Friday, January 25, 2008

I Got Tagged!! Thanks Beemoosie!

// tagged me for a game.

Well, here goes. These are the RULES:Link to the person that tagged you. Which I did.Post the rules on your blog.Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

7 random and/or weird facts about me:

7. I'm a person who likes routine, especially about what I do in the mornings. If I deviate from what I normally do I feel like something is wrong or missing all day.

6. I can remember old friends' phone numbers from when I was a kid or teenager, but yet can't tell you what I wore yesterday.

5. Speaking of clothes I have certain clothing items for things that I do. For instance I wear the same shirt every time I fly on a plane, or drop or pick up someone in an airport. It's crazy, I know.

4. Even though I'm somewhat older I worry about what my parents think about what I do. If I'm unsure if something is the right thing to do, I ask myself... would I do this in front of my mother or father? (Doesn't mean I won't do whatever, but still I might feel a bit guilty for having done it.)

3. I make up silly songs about my pets and sing to them most everyday. My golden, Lizzie, gets a whole Broadway production when she gets her bath.

2. I'm one of those sappy people who cry their eyes out watching a sad movie or a hallmark commercial.

1. I don't like the paper material most newspapers are made out of or how they smell. After I've read the paper I have to go and wash my hands immediately. When I was a kid I wouldn't touch a newspaper at all.

OK, here are the 7 sweet ladies I'm tagging. I'm looking forward to seeing what they will write.

1. Alee

2. Jessica

3. Mary Beth

4. Frannie

5. Nancy Jo

6. Joy

7. Elizabeth


Day4plus said...

xyvmcSo you tagged me!!! Am I it now? I was tagged for the same thing awhile back and I am just no good at these things so while I thank you for thinking of me I am going to decline. I am too weird anyway--7 times over. There I did it. Lainey you are a dool MB

Beemoosie said...

It's great learning a little about you, Lainey!! Have a great weekend!