Monday, January 28, 2008


My life is about to go through a major upheaval in the next few months, or so a rumor goes. I'll not elaborate on the specifics of the rumor as I don't like to spread things, especially if I'm not 100% sure that it's true or even if it will come to pass. It's not a bad thing in itself actually, but it's something I have no control over and that's the part that bothers me. I'm not a big fan of the unknown, especially if a possible unknown carries so much weight that it can affect my way of life. To say I don't like change is an understatement. I think the worst part of it all is the anticipation and uncertainity of it. I am a worrier, always have been and probably always will be. People will say to me "don't worry about it, it's not happened yet". But I can't help it, even if I try to put it to the back of my mind it will sneak back and will cause me to stress. I'm stressing even now as I'm typing this.

Now having said all that about not liking change there is one comfort that I can remind myself about. Although the thought of having my routine and security messed with bothers me... once the change has been made I usually don't take too long to adapt. So in a nutshell (because I know I'm nutty!) if I can make it through the next few months of anticipation surely by the time of the 'occurence' I'll have come up with some coping mechanisms or maybe an actual solution to what must be done. I know of course I won't be going through this alone, I'll have the love and support of my husband, parents, and friends.

I don't mean to sound mysterious and as soon as I know for sure that this 'thing' is going to happen I'll have lots of posts about it. I've only found out about this in the past few days and I'm still not sure what to make of it.


Zan Asha said...

Hey Lainie..I found your blog. Hmm...seems like alot of upheaval sort of stuff is happening all around. You are like me, a worrier or, as my mama used to say "VERY detail oriented about her anxiety"...!! I don't like change either, maybe because we are both organizationally inclined? Ahh, well, since I can't tell you not to worry, I can send you big hugs. Hope all is going well!

Beemoosie said...

How's everything going?