Saturday, December 6, 2008

Easy Saturday

Just sitting here this evening kinda watching tv, listening to my dog snore and my hubby talking back to the tv (he didn't agree with how someone was making cookies on the Food Network), and spending some time at one of my favorite forums at one of my favorite websites

I've done a bit of cleaning and laundry today other than that I've kind of goofed off. My hubby and I agreed awhile ago that we needed that kind of day today. I'm thinking of taking a warm shower in a few minutes, then maybe burn some incense or re light my tart burner and curl up with a good book. Sometimes I think it's good to spoil oneself with sensory pleasures. Oh! Paula Deen is coming on with a cookie show now... Let's see if my hubby disagrees with her. hehe All these cookie shows are making me hungry. I had some nice hot chocolate earlier so maybe that's all the sweetning I need for one day.

This evening I'm trying to focus only on good things, although I have to admit I'm still stressing about the things I mentioned on my last post. But I think I need to be more positive in my general attitude. Worry will not help any of the situations and it will hurt me in the end. So tonight I'll continue to pray for everyone and think on things that I can do for them that will help out and make things easier for them.

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