Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Gratitude Post

With my recent negative posting I got to thinking that any person seeing my blog for the first time would have the wrong idea about me and what I'm about. In that post I was fairly open about events that have happened this year that had brought me down. At Mary Jane Farmgirls forum there was a post about gratitude and about listing the blessings in people's lives. When I first saw it I was having a hard time dealing with a few issues going on so I didn't post anything there. Sometimes it's hard to see how blessed I am when I've got my 'negative blinders' on. In the past few days there have been blessings going on for people that I care a lot about and I'm going to list those things as well as list the good things I've got going on right now.

#1 My mom has been doing really well the past month. Her blood levels are nearly normal and the side effects from her chemo seem to be in check as well. She's getting more interested in things going on, esp. about the holidays coming up. She's also more mobile and doing more things for herself.

#2 My best friend's surgery went very well yesterday. They thought it would take longer, but the surgery only took 3 hours. She may even get to go home today or maybe tomorrow. She even called me this morning before I went to work. She was a 'bit loopy' from the pain meds but it was really good to hear her voice.

#3 A few of my MJFarmgirl sisters were having some problems and it seems that things are going better for them as well and that makes me happy. (Never underestimate the power of prayer and positive energies.. or never underestimate the power of farmgirls either.) There are some amazing women there and they inspire me with their 'can-do' attitudes.

#4 My van 'kicked the bucket' a bit ago and we had to buy another vehicle. I was unhappy that we had to make payments again after paying that van off, that extra money would have surely come in handy. But the payments were not that bad, the bank gave us a good interest rate. And I have to admit the vehicle I have now is way cooler than the mini van, a lot more fun to drive, and so far is a good running vehicle. Thank goodness gas is cheaper now too.

#5 Even though I've had quite a bit on my plate this year I have to be thankful for such a kind and understanding husband. He's always on my side and wanting the best for me. I don't know how I would have coped with things this past bit without his strength and his friendship. He's more than willing to help me out especially around the house. He cooks, cleans, and doesn't complain much. I feel guilty being away from home so much with work and mom and I feel I don't do my fair share.

#6 Thankful I still have my jobs. I was worried earlier in the year that I might lose my full time job. It still may happen but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

There are many more things to be thankful for and I need to focus on those things next time something goes wrong in my life.


Nancy Jo said...

Thats right Lainey, always look for the sun. Sometimes its hard, but if you just wait a minute the clouds move away and the Sun comes back again. That waiting part can be hard. My Grand mother used to say. 'WELL NEVER MIND". Kind of that Scarlett thing from Gone with the Wind, "I'll think about that some other time". Sometimes that mind set can really work. Learning to let the smaller problems not get you down, gives you more energy to deal with the real important ones. Loved seeing your positive list!!

iiiii said...

Hi Lainey,
What an encouragement this post was to me. With the different things going on around here, I find myself getting into some really bad pity parties. It is a special reminder that no matter how bad things are getting, that there is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS something that I can be thankful for!!
Thanks for sharing! :O)

Beemoosie said...

lainey, I have some catching up to do. First of all I am sorry to hear of all the hard stuff that came your way in 2008. It is a fight to stay positive, but writing down the blessing whether in a journal or sharing them on your blog really does help me focus on the good. I mailed your a Christmas card, but the addy must not have been right cause it came back to me. :( Prayers for a happier new year!

sunnyday's said...

Lainey, I came across your Blog and enjoyed reading your blessing list. I am new to Blogging and I totally enjoy it. I hope to become a Mary Jane girl. It seems like all the blogs I read have M.J.ties. Everyone seems so positive and I love the thrift stories I read about. Thanks for reminding me to be positive. Have a happy day.

sunnyday's said...

It's me again, I was so happy to see a post from you It made my day.Yesterday was a nothing is going right day, But I remembered your list of things to be thankful for and then my thoughts changed from "why isn't that covered under warrenty? why are you going to charge me $2100. to fix my car?" To thank God I have a friend and a great husband who can fix it for $600. I tried the MJ site you gave me but I couldn't get in. I will keep trying

Unknown said...

This is a new year 2009 many great things are headed our farmgirl way I just feel it.. Thank you for posting on my blogsite I am following yours now .. I somehow didn't see it until today. How could I have missed it? Take care and I will be more in tune.

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