Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Trick or Treat

My county is having trick or treat night tonight instead of tomorrow night. Usually I have only one or two people that come but I buy enough candy as if 50 or more will be stopping. As I live out in a rural area there's not much traffic, but more than one might think. I believe it's the new trend to go to subdivisions or church sponsored 'Trunk or Treat' now.

When I was a kid I couldn't wait until Halloween. It was then and still is one of my favorite holidays. The area I live in is/was full of my relatives and family friends. So my dad drove me to nearly every house in a few miles radius. I would come home with a plastic pumpkin full of candy as well as a grocery sack full that I would dump the candy in when the pumpkin got too full. My favorite candy was smarties, necco, the peanut butter kisses, and of course m&ms. My husband asked me to get 'good' candy this year as kids don't like the kind I pick out. He knows we'll have leftover candy for a while, so he wants the kind he likes. hehe Big kid!

I surely miss my grandmother (dad's mom) this time of year. She really went all out for Halloween, she enjoyed it so much. Her yard was always decorated and she made homemade treats like popcorn balls!

I hope everyone has a Happy and safe Halloween!

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