Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Little Snow

I've let 20 days go by without blogging and I wasn't going to let that happen again. Oh well. Anyway as the title says we've got a little bit of snow in Central Kentucky today. Not much mind you, just enough to cause some traffic problems. At one time the local news was reporting about 5 wrecks at once. I had my husband drive me in to work today, I know better than to drive on a day like this. I'm not too proud to admit I'm not a good snow and ice driver and well, it just makes me too nervous. Although I did plenty of backseat/passenger side front seat driving. hehe One time I was going on so badly that the look my husband gave me made me say, "Ok, I won't say anything else." Only to be 'giving driving advice' to him in the next minute. He takes it well though, just laughs and shakes his head. He's from Sweden and he gets amused about how people here react when it snows. Especially how everyone heads to the grocery store to get the 'essentials'. But I do remember some winters from when I was young that if we hadn't of went to the store and stocked up, it would have been really bad. We haven't really had a big snow, like over 4 inches, in a long time.

It looks like the snow has melted from the roads now, although I'm sure the backroads and the roads going up the mountains are still bad. The kiddies here in Madison Co. got an extra day off today. So with MLK day yesterday they had a nice long weekend. Well good for them, I know I loved being off like that when I was in school. It felt really decadent, especially if the roads got better in the afternoon and we got to go somewhere. Too bad we can't have snow days from work when we are older.


Beemoosie said...

OHhhh, snow in KY! Does it happen much? My grandparents grew up in Ky, Green County pops into my mind? Hope all is well for you. Thanks for all your encouragement!

Beemoosie said...

Hey again! I tagged you, come visit my blog and see!